jam dinding ward ni dah 11.30pm ..jam iphone 11.20pm baru..
Dr Awang : Dr Mek ke?sorry ..ermm..assalamualaikum.. saya Awang dari pead general ward nk refer satu patient kat doctor :"this patient 6 m.o malay girl with no known medical illness admitted to our ward with complaint of right forearm swelling till the level just above her elbow joint..she presented to us today as the mother worries of the increasing in size of the affected limb.."blom sempat abis ceriter..suddenly ditanya
Dr Mek : so apa diagnosisnya??
Dr Awang : our differential is abscess(pus collection) and the least possible diagnosis is cellulitis(inflammation).we have started high dose iv cloxacillin n iv gentamycin
Dr Mek : patient ni masuk pukul berapa?awak ni tengok patient pukul berapa?kenapa sekarang baru nk refer ..why petang2td x refer..??ni kn dh pukul 11.30pm(jam dinding ward lg accurate ke?)
Dr Awang : MasyaAllah Dr Mek (dlm hati dh panas ni)..mcmana saya xrefer awal saya baru je tengok pt ni.dia admitted pun jam 7pm.biasala kalo kerja banyak ..HO saya tengok dulu sbb saya kena focus la pada more unstable patients (of course we ve to attend them first).kalo saya xfikir pasal patient xder saya nak refer2ni (tangan ke dada n mata ke atas) untuk minta courtesy awak review.with my limited experience this is not merely simple cellulitis.if u dont want to see the case..its ok since i ve tried my best to get your opinion as so called expert review..
Dr Mek : Okla .. okla..nanti saya gi review dia..
**surprisingly, Dr Mek was towards completing her internship who havent done pediatrc posting yet.
The patient actually had multiple intramuscular abscesses of the arm and she underwent emergency opt for evacuation of the pus..the plan was carried out after she was reviewed by the senior doctors n surgeon.
my goodness ..now i can see what Sir Cyril Chantler From British Medical Association used to say:"medicine used to be simple,ineffective and relatively safe".but it is now complex,effective and potentially dangerous.(but i dont really understand the meaning of the word of effective here)
***see how UK saw n tackled this problem years before us (from the link.).(i found this infos somewhere on the softboard in our resource room).
For doctors -either you are an HO or MO- As to diseases, make a habit of two things—to help, or at least to do no harm—Hippocrates, Epidemics (Book I, Chapter XI), c. 400 BC
Not harming the patients has been a key principle of professional medical practice for at least 2,500 years. Even so, a great deal of harm has been done to patients over the centuries.
since we have been focusing so much on the 'do no harm' we have forgotten the word 'to help'.now it is a time for us to work openly with partnership
..with our colleagues in health care/KK/district hospitals n the patients also -of course.
moral of the story : .Dr Awang perhaps also learnt something from that 'stormy'event..huhuhu..
Sepertimana Sabda Nabi Muhammad S.A.W..
***tips percuma : Rasulullah SAW bersabda: خير الناس أنفعهم للناس
Sebaik-baik manusia ialah yang paling bermanfaat kepada manusia.renung2kn..***
sstu yg biasa bg kita boleh jadi luar biasa utk org lain-SH.
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my opinion, mo or specialist should be 'approacahable' supaya ho do no harm to the patient...krn ade sebahagian yang rase die hebat dan tahu nak marah orang je sehingga ade ho yang takut nak refer...and in the other hand for ho .. just refer walaupun org yang akan direfer itu tahu nak marah je..why??for the sake of allah and the patient..
ReplyDeletekite mungkin hebat and tahu byk dlm bidang kite tetapi kite byk kelemahan dlam bidang yang lain .. Allah is all knowing but us, we've only limited knowledege and even the limited knowledge hnye dipinjamkan kpd kite...mari kite hidupkan suasane yang lebih professional and not emotional...and everything we do let us do it for the sake of Allah.. Allah stated in alQuran ' Andai engkau bersikap kasar dan keras hati nescaya mereka akan menjauhkan diri drmu..Ali imran :159..and sabda Rasulullah SAW:" barangsiapa memberikan kelembutan bereti dia telah diberikan kebaikan di dunia dan di akhirat..menjalin persaudaraan, budi pekerti yang luhur dan bertetangga dengan baik akan mensejahterakan masyarakat dan memanjangkan umur..(HR Ahmad) wallahua'lam.
setuju.our innermost focus is the patient that we r dealing with.be profesional n treat others like a way that we wish others to treat us.