pagi tu agak luar biasa sikit utk customer hotel mcm kami utk bangun berserapan..atas special request mmg baikla jugop pihak pengurusan hotel sanggup sedikn awal mkn pagi kami..
and we finished our simple breakfast ..yg mana again roti + telur rebus + ttp syukur..huhuhuhu..
to get to Phnom Penh we chose the express bus as our 'penaja' hahaha..perjalanan kalau ikutkan jadual mmkn masa 10 jam..almaklumla musim plg cepat boleh jd 8 jam..mcm tganu KL jugop la..byrn xmahal..maybe dlm USD8 kot kalo xsilap..
nothing extra-special can be found here.,
.in fact we arrived there just quite on time..thus we didnt have so much time to spend looking around. |
it was a full house inside..katanya cuti raya jadi bus penuh... |
Perjalanan ke Phnom Penh ni xperlu risau sebab,pemandu bas/van/taxi Cambodia mmg agak cermat..jarang pecut laju2...then mmg akan ada tempat rehat mereka berhenti..2 kali..personally i felt so relieved when i found that the toilet at the RnR much more cleaner than our public toilet..
Tapi kalo bab makan kena la hati2 sikit..susah sikit la..yg ni xpayah bagi nasihat kot..masing2 dh beso panjang..
kalo rasa nak snack ringan berprotein tinggi pilihla cengkerik goreng |
Kalo rasa lapor xcukup cengkerik goreng..boleh up sikit menu..pilih tarantula goreng...more oily..and juicier katanya. |
tapi kalau tersaangt2 la lapor..jgn segan memilih katak mcm menarik sikit sbb ada celup tepung and obviously those frogs' legs are still intact with abducting looking posture... |
hahahhaaa..menarik jugop la melihat makanan snack diaorg ni..agaknya kalo RnR PLUS kita beli buah..plg rajin mengunyahpun beli la kacang and also cup sini fresh fruits jgn risaula..
it was so panoramic to see both sides of the road to be flooded with recent heavy rain..but some areas u can see the greenery part of the Cambodia..
tp langit masih bagi background petanda hujan bakal turun lagi... |
.................................................................phnom penh.......................................akhirnya....................
May be kami sampai time tu dh dekay(dekat+delay) pukul 3/4 job was looking for a budget hotel..and of course we would like to get our best deal..and not to mention it is so important to get a good and nice aging French colonial hotel building with balcony..luckily, we have a hotel with USD15 in which it costed us USD5/pax.
pemandangan salah sebuah bangunan koloni yg menjadi hotel.. |
Oleh kerana hari pun dah nak gelap..banyak tempat agaknya dh tutup untuk dilawati..apa yg boleh buat hy mampu 'melewati' jer la kami hanya berjalan2 ambil angin which, where we can see how the city blends itself with the architecture of chaotic traffic..but to get ourselves continuously enjoy the time in PP we had a brisk walk at the Sisowoth Quay..tmpt ni adlh sprt recreational place for public in which ianya terletak di spnjg terusan kot kalo aku nak describe pun..ramai rakyat kemboja dtg sini petang2..kalo xsilap..yg sungai depan ni adalah sungai Tonle Sap..kalo x buta geografi la..
i thought it was a fortune telling session..
but Azrul said it's a session of sharing the good words for current life guidance. |
malam tu xde apa yang nak dibuat we just spent our time lepak di restaurant2 perancis tepi jalan tu and borak2..and it is so important also for a budget traveller like us to sit together and plan for whatever next plan we are going to execute..that night also we looked for the next day's bus ticket and we got USD10 perhaps for trip to Saigon..
Day 2 in PP...mungkin to cut this entry short i will just continue this with photos and less elaborative story like makcik2..
This is Wat Ounalam...ala2 madrasah for Buddhist monks and it is open for anybody who seeks teachings of Buddhism and also it does open it's garden as a recreational park. |
Ni baru National Museum..and we were the first tourists that stepped into it that morning... |
kebanyakan artifak diambik dr Angkor Wat actually : like this above one , it is Garu-dadaku.. |
Hinduism and Buddhism are seen to be much more interrelated here..very big bronze made Vishnu idol. |
Next..we walked to the National Royal Palace (Grand Palace jugopla kot nama lain nya..lbh kurang mcm Thais King Grand Palace)..
The Grand Palace.. |
the real Silver Pagoda ..some other buildings inside |
Lotus plants are so synonymous with this place.. |
we mistakenly thought this is The famous silver pagoda..but it is not..the silver Pagoda was the Pagoda that we stepped into it just before we arrived to this monument *they called it Silver Pagoda since the floor made from real silver (unfortunately we hardly recognized it was made from silver : equivalent to the building which places emerald buddha in Bangkok Grand Palace perhaps).. |
then terus aktiviti terakhir hari tu..of course some faces will shine as bright as the sunny noon that time...
This is Russian market.."very cheap..same-same.."..(dont confuse with another market which is also famous
and it is called Central Market),,But here the goods are more cheaper and more choices seemed to be so tempting .no wonder
some of us threw their biggest and greatest smiles on that day.. |
kalau ikutkan nafsu teringin makan tepi2 jalan kat Cambodia nak buat macamana dah ada yang sponsor makan-minum di Phnom Penh..huhuhuu
our penaja..too sad to say..the KFC in Phnom Penh can offer better services with
better quality products..(*justin was trying to finish all his Cambodia notes). |
Akhirnya..setelah penat separuh hari berjalan..time to pack our bags..sbb bus dr PP ke saigon dijadualkn 1.00 pm..kami terpaksa cut our time short in PP since we have to catch the border or vietnam office before it get closed by 5pm..the journey was believed to take 6 hours..
Last but not least..salam terakhir dr Cambodia..aku akhiri lawatan kali ini dgn menatap wajah2 kota yang merdeka dari Perancis pada 1953 ini dari balkoni hotel..
Goodbye Cambodia.. |
Dasyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat snek die.. Ini klu tak bg aku mkn stahun pon aku sanggop. Tpi katak comel tuh looks yummeh.
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