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Friday, 21 December 2012

The 'lost' trust ..

Lately towards hujung2thn ni..xbyk pengalaman utk dikongsi.kehidupan seolah2 begitu slow n less vibrant for me..not sure..may be this year monsoon really hit my mood and spirits are drained away with the heavy rain..or may be sbb jadi masters student perasaan malas menjadi2..

Secara perlahan2menapak bersaie antara wad NICU n SCN ibarat memerhatikan hujan turun bagaikan salji di Minnesota..sambil berjalan tanpa menghiraukan manusia di sekeliling akhirnya kaki di hentikan dengan sapaan suara seseorang..

En M : Doktor.. (gaya macam nak cakap sesuatu).

Aku : rasa macam pernah jumpa encik,anak masuk wad ke?(sebenarnya mmg xingat dah wajah hamba Allah ni,tapi it is a 'cliche' opening statement for me kalo jumpa mana2lelaki/wanita yg tegur tanpa kita ada ingatan yg jelas akan gerangan mereka).

En M : ye doktor..anak saya tu masuk wad 6e..demam panas

Aku : (gatal mulut nak bertanya)..rasa pernah jumpa tapi saya xberapa pasti anak encik yang mana.

En M : Ala doktor..aritu anak saya masuk wad lepas bersalin tu sebab bahu patah..

Aku : oooooOooOooo..(now i can clearly remember this middle-aged man 'connection' with me..

Sambung bertanya .. Anak dah ok sekarang ni?(aku rasa anaknya sgt la good prognosis.shoulder dystocia with erb's palsy case jarang teruk..biasanya resolved by physiotherapy and even by spontaneously..)

En M : Dah ok doktor..normal dah..sebab lepas keluar wad saya dh bawak jumpa bomoh..bomoh tu dah masukkan semula bahu yang jatuh tu dan anak saya memang dah pulih dah..

Aku : WHAT ??? Encik.. Kan aritu kami dah bg tahu rawatannya physio dan dia ada kecederaan sikit sahaja dia akan pulih nanti..kenapa jumpa bomoh..kan kami dh bg tahu jangan buat urut2an pelik2 masukkn balik tulang etc etc (hampir lupa dah aku ni ada tujuan destinasi lain..sbb dlm hati n perut dh tiba2 berapi2 rasa for this particular father)..

Geram kat ayah patient ni whyla Yang sangat gatal dan xdengo arahan doktor..geram pun ada bila mengenangkan gaya macho n bangganya dia mengAgunGkan Bomoh Tulang yang hebat tu..

En M : ... (sengih..sengih..dgn muka mcm perli)..

Ok that's my last word..

Aku : encik saya xkira encik better jangan suruh lagi bomoh tu urut..kalo patah memang saya ingat anak encik ni yg bomoh tu patahkan..ok encik saya minta diri dulu..

Hujan kat luar pun xmampu nak sejukkan hati aku yg terbakar..for the God's sake..i hate this kind of parents..stubborn and ridiculously Not-so-smart.

Selang beberapa langkah memang masih xdapat redakan rasa marah..then i realized it is not the issue of the father who tried to outsmart us but more greater issue is why did he 'ignored' our words??

"where is the relationship of trust between us - doctor & patient- had gone??????"
 Kenapa susah sgt father ni nak paham arahan2 penting kita as a healthcare provider..kalo setakat terseliuh main bola nak jumpa 250 org bomoh pun xpe.tapi certainly not in this kind of case..

Most of my patients will always put a smile on my heart when we met them healthy and well.. but this one is definitely not.

I dont like the idea of BOMOH is the best person to know about everything in magical medical miracle..
It is a heart-broken way to know that your patients do not trust you anymore..

I have been thinking this issue for the next days in n out..whyla in this millenia..some peoples are losing their trust on doctors' word??

just to share the academic component of shoulder dystocia dan hubungkaitnya dgn brachial plexus injury sambil2 aku pun revise knowledge sendiri on this topic.

The brachial plexus consists of the nerve roots of spinal cord segments C5, C6, C7, C8, and T1..There are two major types of brachial plexus injury: Erb palsy and Klumpke palsy.Erb palsy, the more commonly occurring of the two forms of brachial plexus injury, involves the upper trunk of the brachial plexus (nerve roots C5 through C7).Where as,Klumpke palsy involves lower trunk lesions from nerve roots C7, C8, and T1.

Fortunately, most brachial plexus birth injuries are transient. The majority of such injuries resolve by three months, with a range of two weeks to 12 months. Only 4 to 15% result in some degree of permanent injury.

Patients with upper lesions -- Erb palsy -- have a better prognosis than those with lower brachial plexus injuries-Klumpke palsy. Whereas upwards of 90 to 95% of all Erb palsies totally resolve, only 60% of Klumpke palsies do. Interestingly, those brachial plexus injuries associated with non-shoulder dystocia deliveries persist more often than those occurring following deliveries in which a shoulder dystocia was documented.

Even though some patients just couldnt understand our concern, but some are partly contributed by us who used to concern their illness in a wrong way..

A short entry for a good Friday..21.12.12.."sesuatu yang biasa bagi kita boleh jadi luar biasa utk org lain"-SH

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