click click

Monday, 12 September 2011

"klokeq" ngko..

Lately mmg busy..the workload in ward not only doubled but tripled by the current general order for SHIfT system for HO..rasa mcm betul2seolah2berada di minggu pertama or kedua zaman houseman..

Time HO mmg xsmpt sgt nk bckp..bersosial..berehat..semua xsmpt ber ber tu..yg ada semua ter..ter..tersepak..terlajak..terpuncture..pagi round tghari buat discharge..petang round pastu buat discharge..

i really like the cracks of the tells me how old this building is..(my fav lane)

Tgh khusyuk2 buat discharge summary(stlh 3 thn pencen dr buat summary patient):.. tiba2 adala overfriendly makcik dtg mghampiri...

**Oleh kerana xberapa nk dengo speech makcik tu yg purely cakap kelantan/?besut..aku key-in dalam 3rd ventricle(longkang dalam otak)je..then baru aku tanya staff nurse yg asal kelantan utk translate..

Just to vomit the words out again (translated version)

Makcik : doktor makcik ni ore susoh ,pah tu ni anok(cucunya actually) nak gi IJN pulop..sape doktor hok nok ikut sekali male ni doktor.?

Aku : xpasti makcik..(Sambil memandang mberitahunya from now on my answers most likely will be xtahu..)

Mokcik : staff nurse nyer sapo gak doktor..hok lama ke hok baru..??doktor ore kelate ke KL?

Aku : xtahu mokcik saya ni xtahula pulop..Saya org tganu..(apekehal nya discriminasi ni..)

Makcik : doh guano ni doktor..mokcik xdok duit ni doktor..

Aku : makcik kn kami dh rujuk kat JBtn Kerja Sosial...aku sambung menaip (im in hurried so couldnt spend my precious time anymore since she looked potentially manipulative)

Makcik; doktor bakpo gak makcik dok leh tupe ambulans nyo mokcik ni..

Aku : ???

Staff nurse menyampuk : makcik sebab anak makcik (mak pesakit) dah ikut jadi xde kerusi dah nk kongsi kalo makcik nak ikut..

Makcik : (dengan muka xpuashati) bakpo plop gitu dokke sore jo lebih ..dok leh teroookkk..doh doktor dokleh ngejust ker??
(terookkk : sumbat,ngejust : aturkn)

Aku : xboleh makcik..

Makcik : doktor ! Bakpo gak "klokeq" sangat..bose goh..nak kelik la gini.,buke mahal pun nk tumpe ambulans tu..

Aku : terpinga??WTH?

Then aku try google apakah maksud pkataan klokeq tu..aku assumed kedekut..xpun garang..whatever it is..aku malas nak is so rude for a makcik to raise her voice up with such a word like that for whatever meaning it refers to.(i hate people who has such a manipulative trait).

Untuk pengetahuan makcik ni kalau la dia tahu bahawa sesungguhnya naik ambulans menghantar pesakit referral adalah suatu azab..dgn duduk jaga keselamatan pesakit melebihi keselamatan diri sendiri..tu belum lagi travel waktu2prima eg subuh2buta..then sekali masuk lubang memang terasa gempa kecil 8 skala richter duduk kt seat panjang belakang ni..

nice view from the back's window : but it causes a throbbing headache for us.

your retinas should focus on this hru' out the journey..

Sure makcik ni ingat naik ambulans mcm naik taxi prima dr KLIA ke hilton hotels..xphm aku..
Sebenarnya ada sebab yg sgt kukuh utk pihak hospital xbenarkn lbh dari seorang relative ikut sekali biarpun alasan paling mudah adalh kerana kokongan ruang yg terhad..tetapi alasan yg jarang org phm adalah sebenarnya disebabkn kerana...

...kerana (nauzubillah) andaikata berlaku kemalangan ambulans n ditakdirkan semua penumpang mati termasuk staff nurse doktor or driver n ibu/bapa pesakit n pesakit..maka sekiranya hy ibu or bapa yg ikut at least ada waris keluarga yg selamat dsbbkn x menaiki ambulans tersebut..

Tidakkah makcik ni baca metro or kosmo yg mana sepertimana kes2 eksiden ambulans dilaporkn..paling menyayat hati tragedi 01 sept baru2 ni ambulans terbabas di Tampin n it caused the mother who accompanying the child died at the scene..the child(patient) turned to be more critical (i believe she was not critical before that since the case was not accompanied by any doctor, but by MA who had fractured humerus?radius/ulna.)..

kejadian Ramadhan Melaka punya ambulans kalo xsilap..

sure he is highly traumatized with this particular unfortunate event..

tragedi syawal..kesian mak budak ni AlFatihah...
 Next 2 days aku nmpk makcik ni lagi sekali kt ward mundar mandir..aikk..rupa2nya her daughter refused for admission after being advised to do so during that clinic follow up..(ingat senang ke IJN nk bg fastforward ticket for operation mcm ni).

Alasannya sebab dia rasa dia xmampu nk jg anaknya tanpa bantuan mak nya (makcik ni)...btol2mbazir duit kerajaan.wujud jgk org mcm ni.
(hospital tganu is so well known for it's over-generous to their patients as they used to send them by ambulance just for clinic follow up n yet some patients just simply abuse the helps..)..

Astaghfirullah hal adzim..telan sputum rasanya tengok dia n sedikit tegang otot2sternocleidomastoid aku geleng kepala sbb kebas rasa basal ganglia..Pelik2 ada jugok org mcm ni..

We discharged the pt with IJN appointment n of course they have to make their own arrangement(but the one who suffers is the sad he is not only poorly thriving but also looks tachycardic with baseline tachpneic n huge liver : 4 complete clinical signs of heart failure)..hopefully he can make it..

jangan la sampai terbongkar misteri baru nak percaya :

akhir kata buat entry "sesuatu yang biasa bagi kita boleh jadi luarbiasa utk org lain"-SH


  1. the maxim ambulan supposed to be the safest ambulan of all due to safety mechanism that it has... tayar pancit pun insya allah takkan terbabas- unless mmg dah takdir tuhan

  2. Not sure : but i only like to send pt to kl n xpyh bawa pulang..

  3. loket tu kedukut yer pie hhehehheehhee
