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Thursday, 8 September 2011

A number to remember..

Raya2ni kita akan menerima mesej2 dr mereka yg kita rapat namun xkurang  juga mesej2ucapan n harapan daripada mereka2 yg kita kurang  kenali..namun yg pasti mereka pernah melintas hadir dalam hidup kita  biarpun untuk seketika adanya cuma..Tp msg2 yg dterima mggambarkn betapa  ramai mereka2 di luar yg merasai kewujudan kiter di atas muka bumi  ini..huhuhu 

Tapi sesetengah mesej kdg2terpaksa kita abaikan kerana sememangnya kita tidak mengenali sama sekali pengirimnya..i received a lot of wishes from the old friends,relatives,drug rep pun ader..some messages i found the sender only after i retrieved it back from my old handset as i did try to match the mobile number.tengah2 check old messages i found this message that i received few months ago(before i replaced my old fractured nokia to iphone 4 hahaha..)

I received this message from an unknown father of my  patient n it was quite informative to Remind me the particular event  that we went through a year ago..menceritakan detik cemas menghantor  anak dia ke KL..mula2susah nk ingat pt mana ni..since the number  appeared to be unfamiliar to me..

a good reminder intro...

Akhirnya.. i can remember it,last year  we did send a patient who was diagnosed for cyanotic heart disease(TOF  to be exact) n complicated with cerebral abscess and now having acute  hydrocephalus..our surgical team here was not so keen to proceed with   operation-not enough skillful staff that day to tackle the problem..The  bad news was informed to make it worse HUSM couldnt accept  the case since they dont have enough ICU bed..

Our last hope is  IPKL,she was quite lucky as KL accepted the referral.but the journey was  not as simple as others' patient transfer we went there by a  mercy flight of TUDM..personally,for a first time i accompanied a  patient with 4 inotropic supports at high end of dosages..pastu ada  kemungkinan plop pt ni asystole di dlm Allah mudahkn  pjlnn..

Sampai di KL mmg HEart Rate aku lg x ok berbanding melihat doktor IPKL surgeon yg begitu optimistic i feel so  relieved with that..the patient straightly pushed into OT after we  passed over the case to them-hebat benor,he saw the patient n the CT  brain films less than 15 minutes  (begitu profesional sbb diaorg xtanya  byk benda unlike some of us yg suka tanya hal2x bkaitan sms menerima  pesakit).

Then setel dh kerja aku..patient pun selamat  sampai..pastu solat la kejap kt surau IPKL..sekali dgn ayah patient  ni.Slps siap solat.. time for me utk jalan2 KL wpun dh malam2..stlh bjln  keluar tiba2teringat kt ayah patient ni.i walked back to find him.sbb  phm2 jerla bygkn perasaan org Tganu yg dtg dr kampung and berada di KL  for a first time n has no relatives to stay with..he was still in the  prayer room sambil peluk bag galasnya n looks so perplexed..aku pun  susah nak tolong..last sekali : "encik ni nombor handset saya,kalo ada  apa2mslh jer call number ni"..mcm talian hayat aku bgtau dia.but i never  received any call from him..untill the message above.
**sgt  mengujakn utk mengetahui wpun the brain lesions(by looking at the brain  CT n indeed she had 2 episodes of cardiac compressions for CPR before)  were so significant but her neurological deficit consequence is so  minimal..i thought she might be blind for lifelong n paralysed :tp dgn  izin Allah she is so well n healthy.(she underwent corrective heart  surgery also few months after that).alhamdulillah..

happy ending..good for her.(edited version..)

Sesungguhnya mesej2sebegini buat kami di bahagian 'health care provider' xpernah pun dharapkn..but to get it from unexpected person that we have forgotten is surprising...makes me believe there are still some groups of people are so genuinely  kindhearted to appreciate a work of a doctor who actually he just met for shortwhile.

Sesuata yg biasa bg kita boleh jadi luarbiasa utk orang lain - SH.

1 comment:

  1. terharu plak cerita u nih..tambah2 di baca pada hari jumaat :P
