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Wednesday 31 August 2011

delicate delicacy..

2 syawal..ada member lama tegur masa time beraya..dia nak bg cadangan tolong tulis blog n bykkn gambo sbb dia punya brain hanya tertarik dgn graphic n kontras...bukan apa..for me as an excuse,kalo buat blog kbykkn masa ideanya dtg seadanya fingers move as they receive the signals from the cerebral cortex and basal bg menghormati 'permintaan' minority ni sempena bulan mulia aku buatla entry yg penuh graphic...(tp begitu sukar sebenarnya mencari bahan..kena rajin tangkap gambo..n edit2..n saved..and publish..and then storyline part with the gambos..

gambo ni aku amik semasa Ramadhan..this is because this atypical kuih is only famous during Ramadhan n to make it extremely exclusive : it is only famous in Terengganu..scr fizikalnya memang nampak mcm saling xtumpah seperti kuih bahulu,adapun mereka bukanla saudara kembar...namanya NEKBAT (orang Tganu jer kot yg tahu..)..
my name is not a terrorist...
Nekbat di atas kebiasaannya memang mcm ni..pucat2 sikit warnanya..size variable...usually they are made as small as thumb-sized...and cara masaknya sangat mudah hanya perlu 'sira' dengan air gula..then their size will swell up...4-5 times from it's original size.(**xheranla ada seorang penduduk Pahang memberitahu dengan bebasnya org Tganu xreti buat bahulu,rupa2nya setelah disiasat dia telah tersalah beli Nekbat and thought it is a bahulu).

see ...u can see it's sticky looking texture...
 kalau dh siap nekbat ni dikira juadah glamour bulan posa..biasa dijual sebelum dimasak kerana terlalu mudah nak sediakan n kalo dijual selepas masak x menguntungkan ruang bagi peniaga untuk menjualnya (sebab size does matter)..

Banyak pulop ceriter kat atas..sorry sorry..okla just have a look for few compulsory delicate delicacies of Raya biscuits and juadahs.. as followings...(kuih2 ni wajib dimakan oleh aku di hari raya dgn syarat makannya di rumah orang lain..)

Tuppat...or ketupat Daun Palas...berbeza dgn ketupat negeri lain...well balanced .

mee kari...lagi sedap kalo ada kerang...

kuih sarang semut..serious kalo cukup rangup ada kelass
kuih bunga cina..aka semperit..if cukup susu tepung memang sedap rasanya..creamer and milkier..
kuih jakarta : see the centrally filled with dried coconut makes it smells so good.

popia mini : kalo sambal ikan ni sedap ni..

Laluan ke Kampung Jerung...i think so.(xpernah dengo ada nama kampung ni before).
setelah makan kuih adalah melegakan untuk memandu di kawasan2 terengganu yang masih belum diteroka secara rutin sebelum ini..time ni la nak sesat di kampung2 yang xpernah kita dengo nama-nama kampung tersebut wujud..if u are lucky enough you can see this green picturesque street view..
see the lalang2..and the big trees that shade the small crops.

iktikaf and iktiraf..
Last sekali setelah berkepenatan berjalan2 n makan2 penuhkn perut yg bukan ruminan...jangan lupa singgah seawal yang mungkin untuk tunaikan solat..jangan hancurkan pengorbanan sebulan Ramadhan dengan nafsu sebulan Syawal..

Sekiranya perut masih penuh sehingga tidak mampu bergerak dan hanya mampu bergerak seperti ular jangan tergopoh2 meneruskan perjalanan..berniatla iktikaf di masjid terdekat..huhuhu..gambo ihsan dari seorang sahabat yang sedang beriktikaf setelah nawaitu menziarahi sahabat berjaya di executekan...

sekian : "sesuatu yang BIASA bagi kita boleh jadi BIASA juga utk orang lain di bulan Syawal ini".

Tuesday 30 August 2011

children see..children do.

1 Syawal..kbykn masa dihabiskn kat rumah sbb biasala..since my mom is quite old enough..she got nearly 30 grandchildren..for Raya itself it is easily expected that sooner or later most of her grandchildren will have their homecoming to our house..

kuih raya : for sure is a part of the raya ritual..

pelita...the way we lit the light might be different but the purpose is similarly important : just to get the Raya's ambience alive.

the worst part is : this will cause overcrowdings.but as a reward u can feel the fun of the festival as there are children's smiles reflecting their joyful emotion to celebrate Hari Raya..of course sbb ada ang pau n bermain bunga api..huhuhu..n jumpa teman2seusia mereka bergosip n bbangga dgn
pengalaman kanak2yg kurang 12 tahun baru hidup..

children are so naive as usual..As i received a call from a colleague n we have some discussions over phone ,perhaps my nieces overheard my conversations on our patients' problems.

suddenly they asked me "pandai ke ayah chik ckp omputih?"..of course la pandai sikit2..aku ckp(minus the grammatical errorsssss..)

"cuba cakap..cuba cakap nk dengo"bising betul diaorg ni..i  was just not in a good mood to layan diaorg..sbb dh penat post call..then some of them just mumbled some english words mimicking Chef Wan who (during which) was aired on AFC(Asian Food Channel)..i can see that they were pushing themselves just to be different.(budak tganu xmcm KL kot we are still quite xenophobic for English).

tue la budak2..they see n then will learn it so fast..n if they dont see it they hardly believe in it..seronok tengok budak2 ni yg masih berjiwa exploratif..

i love to see how a toddler who learnt how to hold your hands n kiss it ..then they will bring your hands close to their lips..lekat semua saliva tue..then they will thank you for the angpau..this is trainable..highly trainable especially for a toddler..and most of us really feel it is a norm..yeah it is a good norm..credits for those parents who taught them so well.the good mannerism and this kind of attitude will keep ur altitude high up till you grow up.
yahoo's image : kids can learn this easily..

tp ada pemandangan yg xselesa dilihat di hari raya mcm ni..sorryla sesiapa yg terlibat.. tp mmg aku alergik tengok budak2xpakai helmet then bawak moto ramai2 tanpa lesen..then bawak dgn gaya merempit..blum lg kt traffic light , yg langgar lampu isyarat n then ada yang dh 'prehhh' moto tanda nk blumba..*prehhh : menekan/memulas pedal minyak sekuat hati.

lg teruk sejak kecik2 yg xlepas UPSR lg pun wpun xde moto..bawak basikal..pastu 'conget2' basikal..yg tayar dua jadikan 1 tayar ..memang high potential utk menjadi ahli rempit beso2 kalo ikut ciri2 phenotype ni..(phenotype : ciri2 luaran yang menentukan perwatakan)

tapi mslh yg melanda ni lagi teruk kalo kita masuk kampung..rasa xselamat melanda buat mereka2 seperti kami yg x biasa akan jalan2 n simpang2 sesebuah kampung utk beraya mcm ni..apa yg geramnya seolah2mereka ni berkongsi pemikiran 'bongok' ni dgn menganggap budaya bawa moto ramai2 n laju adalah normal..sakit jiwa tengok budak2melayu mcm ni.(kurang pendidikan moral n rasanya kurang pendidikan agama..yg herannya kalo cakap politic sekolah2menengah dh pandai..baik menyokong kerajaan mahupun pmbangkang bercakap mengalahkn pejuang kemerdekaan..tetapi time bwk moto n merempit..helmet xpakai sbb otak di lutut bukan di kepala).

if Sir Darwin can prove this..i believe our kids are more trainable..

plg menyayat hati kalo nyawa melayang ..n lg sedih nyawa org lain yg melayang..xker bullshit namanya..dh masuk ward susahkn mak ayah n sedara2 menjaga..dh cederakan orang..tolong ingat sumpahan yg blh bawa kpd 4 keturunan..silap2 tersekat time ujian mizan..

i pray n wish that all my nieces n nephews are not involved in this sick rempit activities..merugikn bangsa..Allah bg nyawa nk sia2kn n then mbahayakan org lain..kpd mak ayah tolong la control anak2..kalo xmampu jaga jgn belikan moto..'stupid non sense' la diaorg ni kalo dh dpt moto n 'greenlight' dr mak ayah lagi then abused the motobike..please overpower your children.

atas rasa xselamat ini .. entry kali ini menggambarkan sifat keluh kesah aku yg begitu kisah budaya kera mendapat bunga di kalangan remaja Melayu ini.Jgnla kita berbangga dgn pencapaian hebat anak kita yg dpt hafal Yasin sejak kecik tp besar jd mat rempit..anak2belajo dr org dewasa..pupukla nilai2murni hormat org lain..masyarakat..nyawa org lain..

ingatlah life is short n our children are our future guardian of us..the children they are fast learner(maybe some of them might be a late bloomer)..they will imitate whatsoever u show them so..

"Sesuatu yg Biasa kita rasa boleh jadi Allergen utk Oranglain merasakannya sstu yg Luar Biasa"-SH.

Friday 26 August 2011

making others happy is one of the best ways to have a great day yourself

HSAJB at night..really miss the red-bricks strong looking classic building...

Ramadhan kali ni kira genapla separuh dekad aku jadi tabib..pejam celik pejam celik (sebelum mata terpejam terus nanti)..dh lama rupanya memberi khidmat bersama kerajaan demi meningkatkn mutu kesihatan rakyat..huhuhu..time flies so fast.

back then,for the first time i celebrated Ramadhan as a very new 1st poster HO in HSAJB.. it was so memorable-sbb kena berjimat thp dewa,just because gaji yg xmasuk2 utk tempoh 3 xde pilihan,oleh kerana mmg xde cuti jd 30 hari posa mkn mknn oncall..walking to the mosque which almost took me 15 minutes walk for terawikh on non oncall night since even we got no money to pay for the deposit of a new car..(but tq for the very friendly PPKs yg selalu simpan khas mknn utk aku wpun x oc.huhuhu..susah dh la ni nk tengok PPK tolong simpankn mknn utk doktor)

tp dlm byk2masa mgharungi bulan posa,Time Ramadhan yg plg sukar dilupakn adlh peristiwa oncall di mlm raya(semua HOs non johorian xdbenarkn cuti raya pertama,olh krn cuti max 3 hari sahaja maka aku putuskn x balik kampung thn tu-terasa raya mcm kt zimbabwe).

Mlm 1syawal tu adlh mlm oncall aku.. bezanya kali ni sbb raya sekali dgn deepavali so for HO mmg xcukup org yg oc..mmg sucks sgt time ni..dgn pt yg ramai tp beban kerja xpernah kurang(tp aku syukur la jugak..sbb byk belajo dgn adanya tekanan kerja tersebut).but we never complained since we understood that our MOs are far busier than us.

kbykn masa kami tengok pt then informed MO when we feel insecured with the diagnosis or our mx, then we just continue working n seeing another pt.but post oncall i used to check whether my MO did counter-check or not my works for that night n surprisingly all of the patients were counterreviewed by them(they used to come 'dunno when' once they believe in u..u must convince them your management to sound like up-to-standard level of care).thus,u do whatever u think essentials for the patient n make sure Do No Harm..n in fact during that time u also wont have time to wait for them n vice versa.

Then there was one uncle admitted.given his body built i
knew the problem that he might have-from the moment he stepped into our ward-typical DM,hypertension n hypercholesterolemia middle aged man.

A 50s y.o known to be a diabetic patient was admitted with a history of polyuria and thirst. He now felt feverish n ill and brought to the hospital by wife (he refused to come). There was a history of poor compliance with medical therapy.
on examination looks lethargic GCS full.Chest was clear. Circulation was good.Urinalysis: 2+ ketones, 4+ glucose. Biochemistry on admission normal BUSECREAT.discan 24mmol/l. Arterial blood gases were metabolic acidosis(even the student knows this spot dx result)..the blood collected at emergency n certainly the dx is clear need to think other differential dx that can give other acid base disorders like this. So senang la hati sbg HO since i knew the dx..much easier for me to formulate the mx plans.

i did this n that..since it was already past nidnight..technically even from the Maghrib prayer time it means we r in 1 Syawal already but that night the air of Raya was so vivid..filled with breeze of takbir from the nearby mosque of sultan
abu bakar..

to make myself felt lucky enough even needed to be oncall that night i just kept myself busy n focused for my this particular DKA pt..Ok Iv cannulas 2 large bore set,CBD set,antibiotics prescribed n CVL subclavian checked..everythings seemed OK already n plans were told to staffnurse to commence the replacement of the fluid loss..and my ultimate mx of course to let my superbusy MO well informed..

I can see the wife looked so i explained all the important things that she needs to know about her .. then she asked me "Jadi doktor boleh ke sy balik dulu sbb saya td dtg ketupat kat atas dapur,rendang dh nk tunggu masuk kuali,lontong plop fevret family pun saya dh start siapkn santannya..lemang lg n this n that"..i was amazed she cooked all those things for 1st Syawal..

me : "byk nya masak"?betul ker?tp ni suami dh x sihat ni..

wife : tp td dia ckp dgn saya mcm dh ok sikit.terima kasih kat doktor. mmg dia lembik(even during CVL settings he was so cooperative possible partly it was due the fact that he was too tired)..dia baru nk sembuh sikit je ni.

wife : doktor tp saya rasa sy kena balik dulu la..anak sy ni akan tunggu suami saya..nanti pg sy dtg..

...given my capacity as an HO i was not so judgemental to force her to i put the bed just in front the counter n i sat there while waiting for my MO since my gut feeling was not so ok that time..i can see the pt threw a smile on me after he did the same to his wife who was leaving out from ward...

i waited..continue waiting..n waiting..n then i saw he started to be uncomfortable with the nasal prong oxygen..sigh,early almost 2am..i feel so responsible to let the wife went back home...

mana MO ni..adakah aku missed sstu..i did everything..checked.POSITIVE.

then suddenly he started to be more distress n encephalopathic..that's it.. time for step up mx : ventilation.
should i intubate him?.mana boleh sure anaesth kena ni.just then tnampak la bygn fizikal MO dtg dgn cool n saw the pt..he read my mx n then gave a call to anaesth team.

Nasib baik..akhirnya aku pun rasa ralat sbb dia punya wife xder..yg ada anak lelakinya yg dr td duduk main handset(maklumla mlm raya sure byk wishes)..

oleh kerana pt pun dh transferred ke ICU so i dont have to be worried anymore.time utk balik mass n mandi
n tuko baju n buat routine round..tinggal 1 HO utk setiap ward.ada 30 pt so better buat round subuh2..

then datangla seorang pompuan yg mcm aku kenal..rupanya wife pt smlm.she didnt even know dat her husband dh masuk ICU??i was puzzled.

wife : Doktor ni sy nak bg mknn pg ni utk doktor ..dia hulurkn 1 mangkuk tingkat mknn..

me : i was so surprised..huh??xperlu tgn yg menerima ni amikla jugak sbb mmg aku teringin mkn juadah raya..mana ada kedai bukak..

wife : xper doktor mmg sy niat nk bg doktor sejak mlm td lagi..

me : tp smlm pakciknya xstabil lepas puan balik..saya pun rasa ralat jgk benarkn puan balik.

wife : xper doktor , doktor kn dh buat yg terbaik (she helped me a lot masa counselled psl CBD mlm td..sure dia tahu susahnya nk pujuk suami dia tu).

me : okla awak pi ke ICU tgkt 4..

the tiers was filled with different meal...from the bottom heart of the patient...

...aku buka mangkuk tgkt tu mmg betul la semua ada sprt yg dia beritahu apa yg dia nk masak..lontong lemang ketupat come?dia xtido ke mlm td.

then aku xder masa nk follow up dah pesakit ni..till one day a man came n bersalam dgn aku utk bgtau dia dh boleh balik..mmg beza dgn nampak segak n bertenaga wpun stigmata of DM masih kekal..

terasa mcm dihargai bila pesakit mengucapkn terima kasih utk kerja kita yg xseberapa..

this single particular experience as a young HO makes me feel so blessed to be doctor..i was not that heroic but yet since i was the first person who saw the case they treated me like one.

i started to be more confident following that..the nearly-zero energy level for that day seemed
powered by the 'mangkuk tingkat n big TQ' for a small contribution of mine.

oleh kerana ni adlh very first encounter on call challenge..i felt boosted with the experience.seeing them happy was the top priority but seeing them happy with what u have done unto them even make me more than happy..

for this entry i would say : sstu yg mungkin BIASA bg ORANG LAIN,mungkin LUARBIASA bg KITA.

Be the solution, not the problem...may be u r not strong enough to settle a great problem but u might be good enough to encourage others to do so..

Thursday 25 August 2011

time to weep

sempena menjelang raya Syawal and hujung2minggu terakhir ni Ramadhan..biasa la kalo mengemas sekali setahun.just to pack whatever that can be packed temporarily n just to expand the order to provide enough space for everybody (the family members) who will have their homecoming soon..very soon.

biasanya barang2aku mmg xsusah kalo nk kemas sbb buku2n kertas2jer..yg lain xde sgt.buku masuk tong n kertas another tong..tong sampah.(tp now dh kurang kertas bertaburan semenjak 2menjak 3menjak pakai HIS).

to cut it short..i found this note in regard to the story (narrated hadith) of death of saidina Umar.(please sebut radiaAllahu anhu setiap kali jumpa pktn ni) 

Sinar permata sbg khalifah bg Umar RA even mula bersinar semasa Nabi masih hidup.Sepertimana doa Nabi SAW :اللهم اعز الإسلام بأحب العمرين
Ertinya : Ya Allah, tinggikanlah Islam melalui salah seorang dari dua Umar ( Umar Al-Khattab atau Amru Hisham iaitu Abu Jahal)..

tp meringkaskn ceriter utk sama2kita kongsi yg aku dh pun ringkaskn notes ni..lets us share about his death n the stories behind it.. including what happened following the tragedy..(i believe we were not being taught the details when were in our schoolroom back then).

**hari ni kita busy mgkaji sejarah org2hebat dunia sehingga kita lupa kisah2org yg hebat disisi yg Esa.from now on lend me your eyes n brain..

Hadrat Abdullah bin Umar meriwayatkn bilamana Abu Lu'lu'ah attacked hadrat Umar (he even stabbed him twice with his spear) saidina Umar takut2dia tersilap orang(penikam tersebut) sbb time tu mmg dia a bit unaware of). Jadi dia mengutuskn  Hadrat Abdullah bin Abbas org dia rapat utk check hal penjahat ini(i use the word penjahat since i define him to be jahat).

Hadrat Umar berkata "Aku bharap utk tahu siapa dalang serangan ini,adakah merupakan konspirasi orang ?ramai/awam".Bilamana Abdullah bin Abbas pergi untuk menyiasat.dia mendapati setiap kumpulan manusia yg ditemui/dia perasan sedang meratapi dengan tangisan2tragedi ini.Dia kembali kpd Saidina Umar RA n melaporkn hal ini dgn berkata."Wahai Ameerul Mukminin aku lihat setiap dr mereka menangis2 seolah2 mereka telah kehilangan anak sulung pertama mereka"
(**-some of us perhaps can imagine this.i have been seeing how the father/mother  reacts when their very 1st child passed away in ward.)

Saidina Umar bertanya "siapakah gerangan yg bertanggungjwb serangan terhadap aku?"
balas Abdullah bin Abbas "Dia adalah seorg penyembah api Namanya Abu Lu'lu'ah hamba kpd Mughiera bin Shu'ba".Maka serta-merta terpancar cahaya kegembiraan di wajah Umar seraya berkata "segala puji bg Allah yg telah memutuskn pembunuh upahan tersebut adalah BUKAN di dalam kalangan mereka yg melafazkn Laa Ilaaha Illallaah.Panggil lah saudara2ku kesini"..Umar di tanya siapakah saudara2beliau..Umar menamakn mrk dgn mjwb:hadhrat
1. Uthmann
2. Ali
3. Talha
4. Zubayr
5. Abd Rahman
6. Sa'd bin Abi Waqqaas

Apabila keenam2 mereka sampai maka Umar berkata "Aku telah berfikir dengan mendalam tentang kebajikan umat Islam dan aku telah temui hasil bhw ke6 kamu adalah pemimpin n mpy pengaruh keatas ummat.jesteru,kepimpinan adalah hanya dikalangan kamu sahaja dan pasti kemaslahatan masyarakat akan berada dlm keadaan pimpinan yg baik selagi kamu di jalan yg lurus.Sekiranya timbul perselisihan akan perbincangan n persoalan hal ini (pemilihan next khalifah)berlaku biarlah berlaku di kalangan2kamu terlebih dahulu".

(Abdullah bin Umar meriwayatkn adapun mendengar perkataan "sekiranya" beliau sudah mdpt gambaran ianya pasti akan berlaku hal perselisihn).Darah yg mengalir dr tubuh khalifah semakin byk sehinggamana ianya menimbulkn kerisauan ke6 sahabah tersebut lantas dgn segera mrk bbncg seolah2tiada masa utk mewakilkn calon terbaik sblm wafatnya Umar.tetapi Abdullah b Umar menyambung "Ameerul Mukminim masih hidup,manakan boleh 2 khalifah bersua mukanya di atr satu dgn yg lain semasa masih bernyawa".

saidina Umar seraya berkata "ambilla masa 3 hari utk memutuskn n selama 3 hari biarlah solat diimamkn oleh Suhayb"..beratnya pemikiran umar bg ummah..setelah ditanya kepada siapakah mereka harus merujuk.maka diberitahu pd mereka utk merujuk kpd Muhajireen,Ansaar n ketua2panji tentera2..(ceriter pjgnya adapun menarik ttp agak pnjg utk diselitkn).

diceritakan juga ketika tenat Umar minta diberi segelas susu n apabila diminumkn terlihat susu n darah keluar bersama dari kedua2lukanya.Setelah hal ini berlaku beliau tahu ssghnya kematian itu sgt dekat buat dirinya.
(perbualan pjg mengikut riwayat diantara seorang anak Abdullah n ayahnya Umar adlh begitu menyayat hati sebagaimana kita tahu betapa taatnya si anak ini padanya..sehingga satu peringkat saidina Umar terpaksa bertegas utk anaknya membiarkn pipi n janggutnya menyentuh bumi daripada pipinya yg diriba anaknya di saat2hembusan nyawa terakhir tersebut).

Sebelum wafatnya,pelbagai wasiat termasuk hutang2nya di jelaskn dgn sgt terperinci kpd anaknya utk diselesaikn.Beliau juga telah berpesan kpd anaknya Abdullah di saat kematian tersebut utk berjumpa dgn Aisyah RA untuk memohon sstu "Jumpala Ibu bagi mukmineen dan mintala izin dgn berkata Umar bin Khattab memohon agar dia dikebumikan di sebelah Nabi SAW n Abu Bakar RA,JANGAN katakan ini pmntaan Ameerul Mukminin kerana pd waktu tersebut aku bukan lagi Ameerul Mukmineen".
ssghnya Aisyah mjwb "Demi Allah sesungguhnya aku telah reservekn tmpt itu utk aku,ttp harini aku melebihknnya ke atas diriku".

Semasa jasadnya di bawa utk pengebumian,maka terjd lah 1suasana yg belum pernah sehiba tragedi ini..

Sesungguhnya dgn izin Allah hilanglah sebutir permata yg sinarannya barangpasti cukup begemerlapan bg peghuni langit melihatnya..

**i ve cut some of the stories short as the words are eloborated in lengthy proportions.semoga Allah ampunkn dosa saya sekiranya tersalah translate original artikel english ini..

personally,rasanya wpun somebody pernah ceriter hal ni pada aku tp mmg kita cepat lupa kisah pengorbanan Nabi n Sahabah..semoga kita semua sama2dpt manfaat..selamat jumaah mubarakh n 26 ramadhan.

ssungguhnya sstu yg biasa bg kita boleh jd luarbiasa bg org lain-SH.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

life is shorter than most have thought

"sebelum kita start solat terawikh orang lakki dang orang puang hok ader malam ning nok kabbo seket ning,ader se pengumumang ning"..suddenly i was enthralled from the first word itself..terlihat kelibat seorang warga emas yg spot diagnosisnya mempunyai osteoarthritis kalo inspek dari jauh.

melalui mic tu he continued his announcement "malam esok kiter nok buak bukker poser surrau kiter ning,jadi oleh sebak tu nok suroh la orang2puang mari awal sikit esok sebelom bukker posa..untok tulung ngiddang makkanang  esok"..huhuhu so extremely simplified bahasa tganu ni..

"orang2lakki hok muder2 kena mari awal jugok tulung..(damn,esok aku oncall)..sbb kiter2hok tinggal ni semua dok orok2belaker doh"..i clearly can see this.memang surau ni..surau Hijau kalo orang kampung ni panggil..memang jemaah satu saf ni adalah orang2tua..mmg semua xlarat.kesian diaorg.

i like to observe the way those elderly conduct themselves..sbb mmg aku mbesar melihat mereka melalui proses penuaan..slh seorg tu pakcik dh kyphosed ..setiap kali next rakaat dia tanya whoever kat sebelah rakaat keberapa dah ni?..huhuhu.1 of them tu aku darjah 1 lg dia started pencen dari guru besar kat sekolah kebangsaan Ladang ni..n manymore termasuk yg xdikenali.

sebab menghormati tenaga keupayaan n kinetik mereka2ni terawikh kt sini 8 jer witir 3 rakaat sbb ni special request.(termasuk aku..)..i think geriatric pun mcm best jer nk buat bbndg pediatrik..they are not much different except the size does matter.

..that's why bila orang tanya aku : why need to create a blog n make friends online??..most of the times,i keep the answer to myself..huhuhu.

tp sebenarnya, i was given a foresight that "life is short"..even life is shorter than most have thought,but personally this kind of thought shouldnt slow you down from doing whatsoever that can delight you n of course not harmful to others..

secara subconsciousnya one of my friend gave me an idea (indirectly) that we can 'save' our memories by using technology as a medium..kerana tanpa sedar kita terpaksa menginjak utk tidak terlalu optimistik..sekiranya usia kita adalah lebih daripada yang dijangka adalah sesuatu yang bermakna utk secara visualnya kita dapat lihat kembali (tatkala kita berumur 50/60 thn nanti sekiranya Allah masih izinkan kita berada di superficial daripada kedalaman bumi 6 kaki)..apakah nilai seni kita semasa berumur 20/30 thn?bagaimana immatured nya kita before??who are those peoples that were with us back then when we were young?

bagi aku : kadang2kita sibuk utk mengubah org lain sehingga kita lupa utk melihat kelemahan diri kita.jd kbykn isi blog lebih berpusat kpd pengalaman aku sendiri..not for a commercial purposes,seeking a glamorous life,condeming others' ideas or thought,etc..

chit-chatting with an elderly will teach u 'sugar n salt of life'..

suatu ketika in 2006 : i wrote it somewhere in my sketch?scratch book..which i used to keep to myself n note down somethings that impressed me(till now)..

i met with one old pakcik..he told me so much so : but i vaguely remembered every single line to jot it down while listening to it.(selebihnya huraian aku tulis kemudian sendiri).

dia kata "manusia mempunyai 4 unsur alam dlm badan kita yg mpengaruhi nilai hidup(like a Zen plop pakcik ni)..but we musloems have 5 rukun to handle those problems".(aku tulis la sbb bukan
impressed sgt time ni tp sbb aku suka unsur2alam ni,time ni mmg tgh giler tengok anime Naruto hahaha)..

1.AIR : adalah air itu sifatnya apabila ia menitis ia akan merebak(mcm kertas turas ker??).wpun tumpah bermula dengan setitik ianya akan membesar membasahi permukaan yg tertimpa olehnya..ibarat manusia yg berusaha mengumpul harta : sedikit tidak mencukupi,berusaha mengejar kehendak sehingga membesar melebihi kemampuan.Maka bg mengatasi sifat AIR ini jwpnnya PUASA yg bersifat menahan diri kita dr nafsu.(since he told me this as a first element i wrote it slowly..difficult for me to understand this 1st issue..sbb busy mendengo n xtulis sgt)..

2.TANAH : Adapun tanah ini sifatnya seperti apabila mendapat sstu.. semua sikit atau banyak akan kekal mjd miliknya..ibarat biodegradable : plastic,kain,baju kalo dh jatuh ke bumi lama2mereput mjd milik tanah.ini melambangkn sifat kedekut manusia.jd jwpnnya utk mengatasi mslh ini ialah ZAKAT N SEDEKAH..

3.API : semua tahu api ini sifatnya membakar n merebak kalo dah start membakar..paling bahaya ianya mampu membakar semua orang/benda di sekelilingnya kerana memang angkuh n bangga diri tu sifatnya.ssungguhnya syaitan adalah dari api n dari awal kesilapannya untuk ingkar sujudkn dahinya ke tanah disbbkn sifat bangga dirinya.maka utk menyemai sifat tawadduk maka sifatnya adalah SOLAT.

4.ANGIN : sifat terakhir ni pakcik nk bgtau ..angin ni hebat sebab mana2tempat lubang kecik pun dia masuk.pantang ada kosong kerana sifat ingin mengejar semua benda dunia dan pangkat(did i missed some words here?)..bagi mengekalkn sifat tunduk kita tanpa mengira status  adalah dgn amalan HAJI.

pakcik:okla nak..pakcik nak pi dulu.. 

me : kata agama ada 5 rukun tp baru 4 unsur ni..rukun 1 lagi xceriter lagi..

then he walked away from me n telling that if u can commit yourself for the most important rukun u can conquer and control all the elements (mcm avatar jer pakcik punya skrip)..

me : bgtaula pakcik sy nk complete kn sketch book saya ni(dh start lukis2gambo kartun naruto ni)..

pakcik : if u try to find redha Allah dengan faham kalimah syahadah,n ikut sunnah Nabi kamu akan berjaya..(i just dont know how to write i wrote it as a footnote and put an asterix).

bila aku baca balik hal yg 5 thn yg lepas ditulis adalah sewajarnya ni xperlu aku tulis sbb ni adalah simple.blh jd pakcik ni baca buku Mastika je(dulu glamer buku ni) then cerite kt aku.but the important message here,he had contributed an article for my sketch book for a 23 years old guy's memory as he progresses his aging process.huhuhu

***just in case i'll become so forgetful..i keep reminding myself this narration which stressed on amal jariah..“Sesungguhnya amal soleh yang akan menyusul seorang mukmin setelah dia meninggal dunia kelak ialah ilmu yang dia ajarkan dan sebarkan, anak soleh yang dia tinggalkan, mushaf Al-Quran yang dia wariskan, masjid yang dia bangun, rumah tempat singgah musafir yang dia dirikan, air sungai (irigasi) yang dia alirkan, dan sedekah yang dia keluarkan di kala sihat dan masih hidup. Semua ini akan menyusul dirinya ketika dia meninggal dunia kelak.” (Riwayat Ibnu Majah dan Baihaqi)  

jadi sama2la kita berusaha perbaiki kita sebelum sel2 n tisu2 ini semakin berusia..some of our tissue are just couldnt regenerate back.

akhir kata : 'sstu yg biasa bg kita belum tentu biasa bagi orang lain' SH

Sunday 21 August 2011

wisdom vs genius

jam dinding ward ni dah 11.30pm ..jam iphone 11.20pm baru..

Dr Awang : Dr Mek ke?sorry ..ermm..assalamualaikum.. saya Awang dari pead general ward nk refer satu patient kat doctor :"this patient 6 m.o malay girl with no known medical illness admitted to our ward with complaint of right forearm swelling till the level just above her elbow joint..she presented to us today as the mother worries of the increasing in size of the affected limb.."blom sempat abis ceriter..suddenly ditanya

Dr Mek : so apa diagnosisnya??

Dr Awang : our differential is abscess(pus collection) and the least possible diagnosis is cellulitis(inflammation).we have started high dose iv cloxacillin n iv gentamycin

Dr Mek : patient ni masuk pukul berapa?awak ni tengok patient pukul berapa?kenapa sekarang baru nk refer ..why petang2td x refer..??ni kn dh pukul 11.30pm(jam dinding ward lg accurate ke?)

Dr Awang : MasyaAllah Dr Mek (dlm hati dh panas ni)..mcmana saya xrefer awal saya baru je tengok pt ni.dia admitted pun jam 7pm.biasala kalo kerja banyak ..HO saya tengok dulu sbb saya kena focus la pada more unstable patients (of course we ve to attend them first).kalo saya xfikir pasal patient xder saya nak refer2ni (tangan ke dada n mata ke atas) untuk minta courtesy awak review.with my limited experience this is not merely simple cellulitis.if u dont want to see the case..its ok since i ve tried my best to get your opinion as so called expert review..

Dr Mek : Okla .. okla..nanti saya gi review dia..

**surprisingly, Dr Mek was towards completing her internship who havent done pediatrc posting yet.

The patient actually had multiple intramuscular abscesses of the arm and she underwent emergency opt for evacuation of the pus..the plan was carried out after she was reviewed by the senior doctors n surgeon.

my goodness i can see what Sir Cyril Chantler From British Medical Association used to say:"medicine used to be simple,ineffective and relatively safe".but it is now complex,effective and potentially dangerous.(but i dont really understand the meaning of the word of effective here)

***see how UK saw n tackled this problem years before us (from the link.).(i found this infos somewhere on the softboard in our resource room).

For doctors -either you are an HO or MO- As to diseases, make a habit of two things—to help, or at least to do no harm—Hippocrates, Epidemics (Book I, Chapter XI), c. 400 BC

Not harming the patients has been a key principle of professional medical practice for at least 2,500 years. Even so, a great deal of harm has been done to patients over the centuries.

since we have been focusing so much on the 'do no harm' we have forgotten the word 'to help'.now it is a time for us to work openly with partnership
..with our colleagues in health care/KK/district hospitals n the patients also -of course.

moral of the story : .Dr Awang perhaps also learnt something from that 'stormy'event..huhuhu..

Sepertimana Sabda Nabi Muhammad S.A.W..

***tips percuma : Rasulullah SAW bersabda: خير الناس أنفعهم للناس
Sebaik-baik manusia ialah yang paling bermanfaat kepada manusia.renung2kn..***

sstu yg biasa bg kita boleh jadi luar biasa utk org lain-SH.

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday 18 August 2011

water for life..

11pm...sambil2 buat ABG routine round for 1 of my very last patient for that night.then.. i can go for short nap(s)..suddenly adala seorang ayah ni masuk bilik melawat baby dia (maybe dia baru balik terawikh..normally the parents used to visit their ill baby in our NICU after 5 pm and stay there till Maghrib..but lately few of the fathers choose to come even at late midnight)..since i was not reviewing his baby during that time..i just kept myself busy doing other things..(unless he asks me to entertain him..then perhaps i will consider to spend couple of minutes to do so-but i was in hurried also..hehehheh).

normal looking atmosphere in NICU : u can sense this kind of sight when working at very late past midnight..
Father : Staff nak tanya sikit..kenapa baby saya ni xdisapukan air yassin..kan saya dah lama bawak..
(my gudness, i turned my head 180 degree just because my brain got contused with the voice : yeah..i can see a plastic of bottled water and written clearly with a bold black ink "Air Yassin")..

Staff Nurse : Encik...Air yassin ni erk.

Father : Yerla..Penat2 kami letakkn situ suruh lap2 anak saya ni dengan air yasin (why he was so serious about that : i stopped writing for a while..but i didnt want to join the discussion..)

Staff Nurse : Ayah dia..saya memang boleh buat tp kalo encik seorang yang sangat sayangkan anak..kenapa la encik xbasuh tangan and sapu sekarang la air yassin tu ( he deserved that..the sink for hand washing is just next to the patient's a matter of fact,we encouraged all parents to cleanly wash their hands and touch their babies to promote father-mother-baby bond.)

Father : mmmm (angrily, he stepped out from the room and went home..)..for me, the staff nurse's answer was a brilliant answer..

Aku geleng2kepala jerla..why he was so serious about the air yassin ..i could not understand..perhaps it was prepared by some great scholars/alim/ustaz boleh je dia minta dengan baik2..betulla kalo tanya ustaz and google jer dalam internet semua boleh dapat tahu khasiat and fadhilat air yassin (i agree with this) : ni contoh the links  bagi saper yg berminat : and of course many more..i can understand this also (we did practice when we were in school long ago-back then)..but the way we pay our salutations to the water is sometimes inappropriate (this i could not understand)..

..........huhuhu...just immediately after i finished that routine oncall round,  i went to ward's pantry in case i can taste few left over kuih from the 'berbuka'..(biasa satff nurse xbawak balik..)..then i saw a line of  bottled drinking water..
guess what?? left like that unnamed..i thought  it is for *wakaf(free for anybody as being donated from some unknown person usually)..
As i nearly grab 1 for me (biasanya ni kursus2 punya air mineral orang malas amik bawak balik mereka selalu tinggalkan wakaf)..suddenly a staff nurse told me "Doktor, to air yassin tu doktor orang buat baca yassin tadi belong to this person..that person.."..then i say : "so why tinggal semua separuh2 ni..nak minum ke xnak (some are still not open)".. SN : yerla doktor..satu sorang tu dapat.. me : OK..

Moral of the story : i also couldnt get it..personally, aku rasa kita kena paham disebalik usaha utk menghubungkan kita dengan Tuhan kena ada usaha yang lagi lebih sebagai insan utk menjayakan sesuatu tanpa bergantung semata2 "divine intervention" macam ni..i believe those kind of stories will repeat by itself again n again..

.....................i just would like to share a very unrelated story of mine long-long-long time ago(but still has some "water elements" inside it : just suddenly it comes to my mind)....................

semasa di tingkatan 5..untuk menghadapi SPM..sememangnya menakutkan la jugak seposen sbb banyak subjek nak kena amik..Biologi,fizik n je yg dibaca..yang lain tu lantakla..and the worst case scenario : ENglish was my worst and least subject to make me happy each time i eyed my teacher2 akan berusaha utk membantula student2 minoriti yang mcm aku..benok benar nak belajo English(tp rasanya normal lagila kalo sekolah kat pantai timur ni..the monsoon just drain out  the language receptors from the brain together with it..)

Then adala teacher ni bagi aku(few other students also who labelled to be a needy one) sekoleksi karangan(5 ceriter kot) : to be remembered by heart u know..every single word and dalam banyak2 karangan tu ada 1 je yg aku tertarik..karangan yang bertajuk : WATER..i read this over n over..the story line was so started with an introduction what is the word means?then it goes deeper to its content. The writer was perhaps 12 years old Indian girl (i assumed by looking at her handwriting)..she did not state her name on that paper (of course)..but i guessed it's SHE since she said  that the water is her life..holier than was Gangga..Then the whole story was about how proud she is by the name and the spirit that she carries along with the sacred name..what amused me was the story seems so alive till i read it over n over and studied about the Ganges River after that. I learnt how a sincere work like her can affect others in different ways..i was not interested to squeeze my brain with those words..what's more important to me was the way she put the myths and facts together..can i write the same story if the exam's questions were exactly the same.of course not (hehehheehe..i kept the lame old reason with me,boleh ke aku rosakkan ceriter ni yang dh perfect just to make me pass the exam).

enjoy this : I ve seen how polluted it was with my naked eyes in 2006,now im not sure.....huhuhu

(sesiapa yang berminat utk melawat India lagi sila tag me in..Hisam Muhammad ada berani??)..

Okla my last quote for this entry : If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in renung2kn..

"sesuatu yang biasa bagi kita boleh jadi luar biasa utk org lain"-SH

Tuesday 16 August 2011

eyes are the window to the brain (kids do know this)..

Message body

17 Ramadhan 2011 :Retrospective entry.
aku suker untuk mengongsi ceriter2 dan pengalambn melihat pesakit dengan mata kasar akun sendiri..(mungkin dimata koranf lainla plop penafsirannya)..
menjaga clinic di bulan2 posa ni seronok sbb pesakit xramai..satu lagi honeymoon time adlh pada musim tengkujuh di mana byk kawsan dilanda banjirr besar.. pun pesakit xramai.i would like to share one memorable case of mine..i saw this  one particular patient few days ago..huhuhu..patient ni aku pernah jumpe kt ward dulu in 2008 n she is just like a bayangan wajah kelmarin buat aku kerane insedens kat ward during that admission.(senang nk ingat sbb mmg dia masuk masa hampirr2 nakn patient ICU xbyk time2 dekat nak raya.

dipendekkn cerito nye si baby ni mpunyai mslh jantong gagal berfungsi disebabknnya berlubang..then jangkitam kuman paru2 hinggap mnerukkn lagi keadaanya.maka lama le duduk ward sementara nk tunggu IJN call-IJN wont accept any patient with concurrent infection since it is not suitable for them to proceed with heart surgery,patient might succumb due to the infection instead of heart failure..(lastly we managed to get a slot for her and the correction was done : settled 1 problem).

However, dipendek2km lagi ceritenya..kerana lama bergantung mesin pernafasan kami telah nasihatkn paremtnya utk buat pembedahan tracheostomy(tebuk je lubang pernafasan kt leher n masuk tuib org kampung otak kimia panggil)..for her mmg sesuai sgt2la sbb tube pernafasannya yg biasa endotracheal tube tu mmg akan ada masalah nk jaga kalo patient terlelu lama jangkiitan kuman ICU,kerosakn paru2disebabkn mesin ventilator,tiub tercabut keluar n many2more.
contoh jer..not the patient : with endotracheal tube..

a baby of mat saleh with tracheostomy tube..
The problem is : it was soooo difficult to convince the parents that the only solution left was to proceed with tracheostomy tube to protect the airway..nak kate xpahem dh parents nya educated..nak kata paham ??dh berminggu2 tunggue nak dapatknn consent(persetujuan)..the child conditions were on n off okay n most of the time x ok..some say it is more less you are handling a small patient who keeps trying to die..why they just could not see the bigger issue rather than the small worry of the tube-cosmetically-ugly looking.i couldnt understand this(mmg xboleh terima alasan ni).
Eventually they consented for the operation(but maybe NOT for the mother)..good for the patient perhaps.actually when the patient grows up the tube possibly can be taken out as the airway will become more firmer and stronger to support the air passage..then dah siap operation the mother seemed so stressed out..and nak dijadikan ceriter si baby ni mendapat ruam2 merah yang xsignifikan..setelah di beri penerangan.."it could be just anon specific rashes in which will disappear in 1-2 days time by itself"..she still refused to understand the answer given..okla..we can give a lotion to ease the child but this is not the ultimate management since it will heal by itself.
But, mak nya ni sapu lotion ni bukan sahaja kat tempat ruam malah semua dalam mata2 n mulut anak dia..hidung sekali..just to express her anger and she did it that way so we will take the message(it was me who oncall-ed on that day)..WTH..then suddenly when i asked her :'why u did this..this is so barbaric..even Orang Asli pun saya xpayah ajar nak pakai lotion ni"..mak(screaming n scolding mode) : Doctor! saya rasa baik anak saya mati jer doctor senang terus abis ceriter ..Me: "astagfirullah mak dia..kita dah la berusaha jauh untuk selamatkan dia..awak ni senang2 jer nak lepaskan kemarahan dgn melakukan pertkara mcm ni..MALAS SAYA NAK LAYAN orang macam awak ni..nak menangis...menangis la dulu..xder masa saya nak layan..lagi 1 jam saya datang..make sure staff nurse! semua yg disapu tu di buang balik.."...when i came back 2-3 hours later she already back to her sanity..the she asked for an apology..sbb tu wajah ni aku xlupakan sebab for the first time i scolded a parent just to confront her who did such a stupid mistake(i feel sorry also..)
see..if u would like to apply the lotion just spare the vital parts(even OA pun tau).
Now the child is already 2 y.o 3 m.o ..she is active, playful and cheerful..except she is bit delayed in her developmental milestones..a month ago she just started to walk without aids and she learnt quite impressively as now she slowly can run..she enjoys scribbling meaningfully..drawing some cartoon characters that she likes etc..but the sad thing she has microcephaly which later on we should anticipate some learning difficulties perhaps..
That's why ..most of the time..we look but we didnt see(orang xberapa nk puteh kata)..mata sering menipu kita.bila mata memndang belum tentu ianys melihaat...pandanglah rezki Allah yang Maha Pemurah sebelom kita komplem dugaan rezk yang tidak cukup3 dengan melakukan tindakan luar kawalan yang membawa mudarat..

kerana terbiasa dengan kwsalahan kecil2..kita masih mampu menerime kesilapn yang terpampang didepab mata kerana dalam hidup yang mwmgikut umur biology, mata mengalami penuaan seiring pertambahn umur kita.visual akuiti menjadi semakin hebat.kanta mata mampu menangkap imej2 diskrit mahupun yang xdiscrete di mana kita seringkali mampu melihat kuman di seberang tetapi GAJAH didepan HIDUNG xnampak.
favorite exam question : but trust me till now i also couldnt master this pathway.
(this is how our eyes connected to the brain..see how the colours get into our mind..) 
Kita nmpk kuman wpun jauh kerana kehebaatan mata bersenggkonghkol denga otak kite.adalah suatu yAng amat menyedihkn bilamana Kuman yg kita bimbang itu sebenanya langsong xder mudaratnyer buat kita.
**This Entry done at 0215H 17 Ramadhan bertujuan menguji sensitiviti dan sensibiliti mata anda : so jgn hairan kalo banyak kesalahan tatabahasa/ejaan/susunan kosa kata kerana aku ingin bawa korang menjiwai mood mata aku sendiri time ni..berbekalkn clear cornea korang aku xrisau sure mata korang mampu bersengkongkol dengan occipital lobe korang untuk membaca cerita di atas dengan tatabahasa yg betul.Lagipun memang aku nak praktikkan teknik penulisan yang di panggil At-ta'kid di dalam bahasa Arab iaitu menjelaskn yg kabur(*maybe my ex schoolmates are a great learner/teacher for this..hehehe)..but now technologies lead us to an easy life(depends how u define it)..u can google this online belajar bahasa Arab :

TA’KID (kusut, rumit, rancu)

والتعقيدُ: أنْ يكونَ الكلامُ خَفِيَّ الدلالةِ على المعنى المرادِ.

Adanya kalam (kalimat) samar dalam penunjukan makna yang dimaksud.

والخفاءُ إمَّا منْ جهةِ اللفظِ، بسببِ تقديمٍ أوْ تأخيرٍ أوْ فَصْلٍ، ويُسمَّى تعقيدًا لفظِيًّا، كقولِ المتنبِّي:

Kesamaran itu baik dari segi lafazhnya, disebabkan takdim (mengedepankan yg seharusnya dibelakang ), ta’khir (mengakhirkan yg seharusnya didepan), atau fashl (pemisahan). Maka dinamakan ta’kid lafzhiy. Seperti contoh perkataan penyair:

جَفَخَتْ وهم لا يَجْفَخُونَ بها بهم = شِيَمٌ على الحسَبِ الأغَرِّ دلائلُ


فإنَّ تقديرَه: جَفَخَتْ بهم شِيَمٌ دلائلُ على الحسَبِ الأغرِّ، وهم لا يَجفخونَ بها.

Karena sesungguhnnya takdirannya adalah:
Adat kebiasaan saling menasehati atas leluhurnya yg mulia, membanggakan mereka. Tapi mereka tidak banggakan diri dengan kebiasaan itu.

pada syair diatas terdapat FASHL/memisah antar fi’il (JAFAKHAT) dan muta’allaqnya (BIHIM) dengan kalimat sempurna yg mempunyai makna tersediri (WA HUM LAA YAJFAKHUUNA BIHAA).
Kemudian terdapat TA’KHIR mengakhirkan lafazh (DALAAILU) dari muta’allaqnya (‘ALAL-HASBIL-AGHARRI) sekaligus terjadi FASHL antara maushuf (SYIYAMUN) dan sifatnya (DALAAILU) dengan muta’alliqnya sifat yang seharusnya ada dibelakang (‘ALAL-HASBIL-AGHARRI).

وإمَّا منْ جهةِ المعنى بسببِ استعمالِ مَجازاتٍ وكِناياتٍ، لا يُفْهَمُ المرادُ بها، ويُسَمَّى تَعقيدًا معنويًّا، نحوُ قولِكَ: (نَشَرَ الْمَلِكُ أَلْسِنَتَه في المدينةِ)، مُريدًا جواسيسَه، والصوابُ:(نَشَرَ عيونَه). وقولِه:

Adapun kesamaran dari segi makna, disebabkan penggunaan majaz atau kinayah yang tidak difahami maksudnya, maka dinamakan ta’kid ma’nawiy. Contoh perkataanmu : ” raja itu menyebarkan ALSINATAHU/LIDAH-LIDAHNYA di kota itu” dengan maksud penyelidik-penyelidiknya. Maka yang benar ” menyebarkan ‘UYUUNAHU/MATA-MATANYA”. Dan sebagaimana dalam syair (bahar thowil):

سَأَطْلُبُ بُعْدَ الدَّارِ عَنْكُمْ لِتَقْرُبُوا * وَتَسْكُبُ عَيْنَايَ الدُّمُوعَ لِتَجْمُدا

Aku akan mencari rumah yang jauh dari kalian agar kalian dekat di hati. Dan kedua mataku akan menumpahkan habis air matanya agar MEMBEKU (merasakan bahagia karena telah dekatnya hati)

حيث كَنَّى بالجمودِ عن السرورِ، معَ أنَّ الجمودَ يُكَنَّى بهِ عن البُخْلِ وقتَ البكاءِ

dimana dimaksudkan penggunaan kinayah dengan kata “JUMUD/BEKU” untuk mengungkapkan rasa bahagia, padahal sesungguhnya kata “JUMUD/BEKU” adalah kinayah untuk sulitnya air mata mengalir di saat sedang menangis.

akhir kata : connect your good eyes' sight with your brain..otherwise you will become like this
okay selamat NuzulQuran 2011 : selamat berpuasa
"sesuatu yang biasa bagi kita, boleh jadi luarbiasa untuk orang lain " -SH

Saturday 13 August 2011

towards making the awareness as everybody's business'.

Kebiasaannya blog aku wujud dlm keadaan xder mende nk buat..but for this blog it is very spontaneous..this entry is meant to promote an awareness among colleagues..

mengimbau kenangan suatu pagi di daycare : dlm usaha menyiapkn kerja2 administrasi jabatan(yg xpernah habis aku rasa)..kelibat pesakit mmg x boleh nk elak dr mencuri sensori konsentrasi retina di papan skrin PC..personally i love to see the pt walking in n out with their parents to our daycare-80% of our DC pt are thallasemia- it signifies that they have faith in us n still trust us to treat them.More importantly the continuation of care for them is a part of our core business(my HOD used to say this).

Di manakah huruf ' I ' ?? wonder girl we always forgot  about our role..since we always forget the word 'I'  in our  daily works.(lukisan plg menonjol di Daycare kami).

i love to see the mother who's struggling to help us restrain the child when we poke n bleed them..later,they will have a chitchat/gossip session among them while waiting for the transfusion to be finished..having lunch together n sharing whatever meal they bring/buy on that particular day with other parents..

suddenly my eardrums catched an echo of catchy conversation..memdengo celoteh father yg bpeluh berjalan dgn bersongkok kelihatannya usia yg agak terlebih matang.. stlh di call oleh isterinya (the wife came earlier with 2 children whom scheduled for their -xpernah kenal ayah pesakit ni bkmungkinan besar dia dtg utk pertama kali so xder sessi nk bbual rancak dimulakan..(i used to talk with the parents if i know n recognize them).

father : buat apa doktor sibuk2nk check darah saya ni,keturunan sy semua elok,darah sy elok(gema nada dia mampu menggagapkn HO)-partly bcoz the mother gave the urgent call for him to come - in which it was not so urgent im supposed,and this possibly irritated him.
HO : ayah dia ni namanya ni  'family screening', utk tujuan dokumentasi n kami kena check utk tujuan kaunseling kalo diperlukn kmdn hari(pandai jugak HO ni)
father:sy dh 2 kali pi klinik Marang then sampel hilang bila datang utk check result, ni nk cucuk lg -now the voice even more clearer n louder (it is not uncommon to experience this in gvmnt settings).im so sorry to tell this true fact to our pt.
HO : tp ni peluang utk amik sekali la ayah dia..nanti senang sini blh buat test terus bsama darah ahli keluarga yg lain(terus memujuk : dgn separuh keyakinan result will be available soon).
father: doktor ni org sini ker?
HO: sy org KL
father : sy pun org KL doktor tp pindah ke sini..tuela kalo ikutkn org2KL ni jarang ada mslh darah mcm ni..

..,......ok i think better we stop here the rest of the conversations were just craps...

Jelas.. teramat terang segelintir masyarakat kita masih jauh dr konsep dan pengetahuan permasalahan thalasemia ..apabila disebut isu genetik hampir rata-rata mendapat idea yg kurang tepat.Thalasemia ini yg mana hampir 5% rakyat msia adlh carrier bukanlah suatu malapetaka keturunan yg sering dipikirkan.Ianya sememangnya bawaan genetik tetapi harus di ingat kemungkinan susur galur nenekmoyang kita mendapatnya scr spontan.Secara statistik,pduduk tganu dgn anggaran 1 juta orang -maka pandai2la kira prevalens pesakit kerana bagi setiap pkhwinan sesama carrier akan hasilkn 25% kebarangkalian thalasemia major.

tp kalau nak lagi details baca jer text book which  we dont like to do so most of the time..
Namun kita kena ingat di dunia ni mslh thalasemia bukannya fact,negara Msia ni bukannya fames pun utk thala..our neighbor thailand far more famous than us..n utk pgthn semua Maldives sebuah negera yg berpenduduk 300 000 org (2006) adlh negara ttinggi di dunia mghadapi prevalens penyakit thalassemia.. 20% adalah carrier di mana setiap 120 kelahiran akan ada 1 major n for this reason they fight this problem very well..even makcik2yg jual popia goreng simpul n samosa kt maldives pun tahu.(may be doctor2kt maldives pun ada yg thalasemia major).

gambar hiasan : but they are Maldivian kids.
Most of us may be dont know about maldives..apa yg special sgt Maldives ni adlh ianya mungkin mengulang sejarah is constantly facing coastal erosion as a consequence of global warming ..dlm tempoh kurang 40 thn maldives djangka lenyap dr peta dunia (time tu toksah sibuk nk melancong ke maldives :).surprising kn !! jangka hayat satu negera lg pendek bbndg penduduknya..(but i believe they are doing something hard to fight mother nature as hard as they r fighting with thalasemia..why dont us?)

kepulauan yang membentuk Maldives

very nice island...
maldives ni adik2..
mpunyai 1190 pulau kecik tp 200 jer yg berpenghuni.xsaper tahu dr mana asal usul maldivian..but their complexion is almost similar like south asian eg Indian kbykn org maldives mengaku kmungkinan mrk adlh dr susurgalur arab yg berdagang semasa mggunakn laluan sutera.maldives dulu fames utk org2 kaya lg fames last year bila ada 1 insidens dicetuskn oleh seorang rakyat maldives yg muda mempersoalkn ketidakpercayaan nya pd Islam (Maldives ni bbangga dgn nearly 99.99% islam n it is automatically muslim which it is a-no-choice-situation after u r given birth).ni mencetuskn fenomena bantahan dunia luar terutama barat n eropah..but for maldivian they just dont care.(kn dh melalut2..)..u can google it for further stories(sure u can know better).

so back to our issue..adalah jgn salah kalkulus bg mental calculation ni dgn idea2kita yg kurang bernas..utk kita merasakan kita tidak bernasib baik.semua harus berusaha gigih demi kesejahteraan bersama.Sebagaimana rakyat Maldives yang bersungguh merawat penyakit Thalasemia dgn semua org bekerjasama..

so for my colleagues(doctors or non doctors)..lend your hand.together we support them with the knowledge.

with this current entry.. i also would like to show my compliments n congratulations to some of our patients who are so energetic n actively contribute to the development of the existing programme for thalasemia..a credit should be given to them..the followings are the photos.

Jualan Amal sempena Ramadhan di Bazar Ramadhan Gong Badak

Thala's blended : memang sedap....i ve tried it.

u can choose the choices of the flavors' options.

at the back : Sahar n nabilla and fadzilah (front)

CEO of the business..
sesiapa yg berada di sekitar tganu n terutama kuala terengganu jgn lupa meramaikn n memberi sokongan anda utk majukn bisnes mereka..

so that's all for this latest entry : rasanya ni la entry terpanajng.. Akhir kata ni semua kita mampu menyumbang ke arah kebaikan and kesejahteraan bersama..i love this iklan

Akhir kata : sesuatu yang biasa bagi kita mungkin luar biasa bagi org lain -SH.