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Tuesday 30 August 2011

children see..children do.

1 Syawal..kbykn masa dihabiskn kat rumah sbb biasala..since my mom is quite old enough..she got nearly 30 grandchildren..for Raya itself it is easily expected that sooner or later most of her grandchildren will have their homecoming to our house..

kuih raya : for sure is a part of the raya ritual..

pelita...the way we lit the light might be different but the purpose is similarly important : just to get the Raya's ambience alive.

the worst part is : this will cause overcrowdings.but as a reward u can feel the fun of the festival as there are children's smiles reflecting their joyful emotion to celebrate Hari Raya..of course sbb ada ang pau n bermain bunga api..huhuhu..n jumpa teman2seusia mereka bergosip n bbangga dgn
pengalaman kanak2yg kurang 12 tahun baru hidup..

children are so naive as usual..As i received a call from a colleague n we have some discussions over phone ,perhaps my nieces overheard my conversations on our patients' problems.

suddenly they asked me "pandai ke ayah chik ckp omputih?"..of course la pandai sikit2..aku ckp(minus the grammatical errorsssss..)

"cuba cakap..cuba cakap nk dengo"bising betul diaorg ni..i  was just not in a good mood to layan diaorg..sbb dh penat post call..then some of them just mumbled some english words mimicking Chef Wan who (during which) was aired on AFC(Asian Food Channel)..i can see that they were pushing themselves just to be different.(budak tganu xmcm KL kot we are still quite xenophobic for English).

tue la budak2..they see n then will learn it so fast..n if they dont see it they hardly believe in it..seronok tengok budak2 ni yg masih berjiwa exploratif..

i love to see how a toddler who learnt how to hold your hands n kiss it ..then they will bring your hands close to their lips..lekat semua saliva tue..then they will thank you for the angpau..this is trainable..highly trainable especially for a toddler..and most of us really feel it is a norm..yeah it is a good norm..credits for those parents who taught them so well.the good mannerism and this kind of attitude will keep ur altitude high up till you grow up.
yahoo's image : kids can learn this easily..

tp ada pemandangan yg xselesa dilihat di hari raya mcm ni..sorryla sesiapa yg terlibat.. tp mmg aku alergik tengok budak2xpakai helmet then bawak moto ramai2 tanpa lesen..then bawak dgn gaya merempit..blum lg kt traffic light , yg langgar lampu isyarat n then ada yang dh 'prehhh' moto tanda nk blumba..*prehhh : menekan/memulas pedal minyak sekuat hati.

lg teruk sejak kecik2 yg xlepas UPSR lg pun wpun xde moto..bawak basikal..pastu 'conget2' basikal..yg tayar dua jadikan 1 tayar ..memang high potential utk menjadi ahli rempit beso2 kalo ikut ciri2 phenotype ni..(phenotype : ciri2 luaran yang menentukan perwatakan)

tapi mslh yg melanda ni lagi teruk kalo kita masuk kampung..rasa xselamat melanda buat mereka2 seperti kami yg x biasa akan jalan2 n simpang2 sesebuah kampung utk beraya mcm ni..apa yg geramnya seolah2mereka ni berkongsi pemikiran 'bongok' ni dgn menganggap budaya bawa moto ramai2 n laju adalah normal..sakit jiwa tengok budak2melayu mcm ni.(kurang pendidikan moral n rasanya kurang pendidikan agama..yg herannya kalo cakap politic sekolah2menengah dh pandai..baik menyokong kerajaan mahupun pmbangkang bercakap mengalahkn pejuang kemerdekaan..tetapi time bwk moto n merempit..helmet xpakai sbb otak di lutut bukan di kepala).

if Sir Darwin can prove this..i believe our kids are more trainable..

plg menyayat hati kalo nyawa melayang ..n lg sedih nyawa org lain yg melayang..xker bullshit namanya..dh masuk ward susahkn mak ayah n sedara2 menjaga..dh cederakan orang..tolong ingat sumpahan yg blh bawa kpd 4 keturunan..silap2 tersekat time ujian mizan..

i pray n wish that all my nieces n nephews are not involved in this sick rempit activities..merugikn bangsa..Allah bg nyawa nk sia2kn n then mbahayakan org lain..kpd mak ayah tolong la control anak2..kalo xmampu jaga jgn belikan moto..'stupid non sense' la diaorg ni kalo dh dpt moto n 'greenlight' dr mak ayah lagi then abused the motobike..please overpower your children.

atas rasa xselamat ini .. entry kali ini menggambarkan sifat keluh kesah aku yg begitu kisah budaya kera mendapat bunga di kalangan remaja Melayu ini.Jgnla kita berbangga dgn pencapaian hebat anak kita yg dpt hafal Yasin sejak kecik tp besar jd mat rempit..anak2belajo dr org dewasa..pupukla nilai2murni hormat org lain..masyarakat..nyawa org lain..

ingatlah life is short n our children are our future guardian of us..the children they are fast learner(maybe some of them might be a late bloomer)..they will imitate whatsoever u show them so..

"Sesuatu yg Biasa kita rasa boleh jadi Allergen utk Oranglain merasakannya sstu yg Luar Biasa"-SH.

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