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Saturday 13 August 2011

towards making the awareness as everybody's business'.

Kebiasaannya blog aku wujud dlm keadaan xder mende nk buat..but for this blog it is very spontaneous..this entry is meant to promote an awareness among colleagues..

mengimbau kenangan suatu pagi di daycare : dlm usaha menyiapkn kerja2 administrasi jabatan(yg xpernah habis aku rasa)..kelibat pesakit mmg x boleh nk elak dr mencuri sensori konsentrasi retina di papan skrin PC..personally i love to see the pt walking in n out with their parents to our daycare-80% of our DC pt are thallasemia- it signifies that they have faith in us n still trust us to treat them.More importantly the continuation of care for them is a part of our core business(my HOD used to say this).

Di manakah huruf ' I ' ?? wonder girl we always forgot  about our role..since we always forget the word 'I'  in our  daily works.(lukisan plg menonjol di Daycare kami).

i love to see the mother who's struggling to help us restrain the child when we poke n bleed them..later,they will have a chitchat/gossip session among them while waiting for the transfusion to be finished..having lunch together n sharing whatever meal they bring/buy on that particular day with other parents..

suddenly my eardrums catched an echo of catchy conversation..memdengo celoteh father yg bpeluh berjalan dgn bersongkok kelihatannya usia yg agak terlebih matang.. stlh di call oleh isterinya (the wife came earlier with 2 children whom scheduled for their -xpernah kenal ayah pesakit ni bkmungkinan besar dia dtg utk pertama kali so xder sessi nk bbual rancak dimulakan..(i used to talk with the parents if i know n recognize them).

father : buat apa doktor sibuk2nk check darah saya ni,keturunan sy semua elok,darah sy elok(gema nada dia mampu menggagapkn HO)-partly bcoz the mother gave the urgent call for him to come - in which it was not so urgent im supposed,and this possibly irritated him.
HO : ayah dia ni namanya ni  'family screening', utk tujuan dokumentasi n kami kena check utk tujuan kaunseling kalo diperlukn kmdn hari(pandai jugak HO ni)
father:sy dh 2 kali pi klinik Marang then sampel hilang bila datang utk check result, ni nk cucuk lg -now the voice even more clearer n louder (it is not uncommon to experience this in gvmnt settings).im so sorry to tell this true fact to our pt.
HO : tp ni peluang utk amik sekali la ayah dia..nanti senang sini blh buat test terus bsama darah ahli keluarga yg lain(terus memujuk : dgn separuh keyakinan result will be available soon).
father: doktor ni org sini ker?
HO: sy org KL
father : sy pun org KL doktor tp pindah ke sini..tuela kalo ikutkn org2KL ni jarang ada mslh darah mcm ni..

..,......ok i think better we stop here the rest of the conversations were just craps...

Jelas.. teramat terang segelintir masyarakat kita masih jauh dr konsep dan pengetahuan permasalahan thalasemia ..apabila disebut isu genetik hampir rata-rata mendapat idea yg kurang tepat.Thalasemia ini yg mana hampir 5% rakyat msia adlh carrier bukanlah suatu malapetaka keturunan yg sering dipikirkan.Ianya sememangnya bawaan genetik tetapi harus di ingat kemungkinan susur galur nenekmoyang kita mendapatnya scr spontan.Secara statistik,pduduk tganu dgn anggaran 1 juta orang -maka pandai2la kira prevalens pesakit kerana bagi setiap pkhwinan sesama carrier akan hasilkn 25% kebarangkalian thalasemia major.

tp kalau nak lagi details baca jer text book which  we dont like to do so most of the time..
Namun kita kena ingat di dunia ni mslh thalasemia bukannya fact,negara Msia ni bukannya fames pun utk thala..our neighbor thailand far more famous than us..n utk pgthn semua Maldives sebuah negera yg berpenduduk 300 000 org (2006) adlh negara ttinggi di dunia mghadapi prevalens penyakit thalassemia.. 20% adalah carrier di mana setiap 120 kelahiran akan ada 1 major n for this reason they fight this problem very well..even makcik2yg jual popia goreng simpul n samosa kt maldives pun tahu.(may be doctor2kt maldives pun ada yg thalasemia major).

gambar hiasan : but they are Maldivian kids.
Most of us may be dont know about maldives..apa yg special sgt Maldives ni adlh ianya mungkin mengulang sejarah is constantly facing coastal erosion as a consequence of global warming ..dlm tempoh kurang 40 thn maldives djangka lenyap dr peta dunia (time tu toksah sibuk nk melancong ke maldives :).surprising kn !! jangka hayat satu negera lg pendek bbndg penduduknya..(but i believe they are doing something hard to fight mother nature as hard as they r fighting with thalasemia..why dont us?)

kepulauan yang membentuk Maldives

very nice island...
maldives ni adik2..
mpunyai 1190 pulau kecik tp 200 jer yg berpenghuni.xsaper tahu dr mana asal usul maldivian..but their complexion is almost similar like south asian eg Indian kbykn org maldives mengaku kmungkinan mrk adlh dr susurgalur arab yg berdagang semasa mggunakn laluan sutera.maldives dulu fames utk org2 kaya lg fames last year bila ada 1 insidens dicetuskn oleh seorang rakyat maldives yg muda mempersoalkn ketidakpercayaan nya pd Islam (Maldives ni bbangga dgn nearly 99.99% islam n it is automatically muslim which it is a-no-choice-situation after u r given birth).ni mencetuskn fenomena bantahan dunia luar terutama barat n eropah..but for maldivian they just dont care.(kn dh melalut2..)..u can google it for further stories(sure u can know better).

so back to our issue..adalah jgn salah kalkulus bg mental calculation ni dgn idea2kita yg kurang bernas..utk kita merasakan kita tidak bernasib baik.semua harus berusaha gigih demi kesejahteraan bersama.Sebagaimana rakyat Maldives yang bersungguh merawat penyakit Thalasemia dgn semua org bekerjasama..

so for my colleagues(doctors or non doctors)..lend your hand.together we support them with the knowledge.

with this current entry.. i also would like to show my compliments n congratulations to some of our patients who are so energetic n actively contribute to the development of the existing programme for thalasemia..a credit should be given to them..the followings are the photos.

Jualan Amal sempena Ramadhan di Bazar Ramadhan Gong Badak

Thala's blended : memang sedap....i ve tried it.

u can choose the choices of the flavors' options.

at the back : Sahar n nabilla and fadzilah (front)

CEO of the business..
sesiapa yg berada di sekitar tganu n terutama kuala terengganu jgn lupa meramaikn n memberi sokongan anda utk majukn bisnes mereka..

so that's all for this latest entry : rasanya ni la entry terpanajng.. Akhir kata ni semua kita mampu menyumbang ke arah kebaikan and kesejahteraan bersama..i love this iklan

Akhir kata : sesuatu yang biasa bagi kita mungkin luar biasa bagi org lain -SH.

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